So you want to spend some quality time with your hunny, huh? That’s great! To help you set your romantic notions in motion, we’ve got some great backyard date ideas.
Time spent together as a couple is so important, but sometimes with life being as hectic as it is (and finances often being as tight as they are), togetherness can be more of a challenge than you would think.
Well, what if we told you that a romantic date was no further than your own backyard? Because it’s true!
We’ve put together this super exhaustive list of 150 backyard date ideas to help your inner romantic shine through. There are so many creative and original ideas below, we guarantee it won’t take long to find one you love.
Fun Outdoor Date Ideas
Let’s kick off this list with some of the best outdoor date ideas that you can pull off from the comfort of your own backyard.
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1. Adventure Challenge!

Embark on a fun journey of challenges with The Adventure Challenge books. Simply unveil your next date night by scratching off the panel and let your imagination run wild from there.
With each page you will be able to create lasting memories and fall in love all over again. Don’t forget to log your adventures with photos!
2. Swim, Fun, & Sun

If you have a swimming pool, get a romantic two-in-one pool float and soak up the sun together while keeping cool!
Now, if you don’t have a pool, I can say from experience that a decent above ground version is a bit of an investment, but it will make your sweetheart’s day (and summer!) and will last for years.
Otherwise, it’s easy to get one of these blow-up lounge pools to inflate and enjoy for a few days.
3. Play Truth or Dare
Unlock the secrets of delightful conversations and daring challenges with these After Dinner Amusement Cards.
Just how well do you know your partner? Find out with a romantic game of truth or dare!
4. Water Balloon Fight
There’s no better way to have a memorable time than this. Fill up some balloons and barrage each other…with water balloons, yes, but also with love.
5. Arts & Crafts Outdoors
Your backyard is one of the best places to express yourselves artistically. If either (or both) of you enjoy craft-making, DIY-ing, painting, sculpture, mosaics, or anything else, why not do it together, at home?
6. Build a Backyard Roller Coaster!
This is for those thrill seeking, roller coaster lovers who are also go-getters and handy with a tool set. But hey, it’s a unique way to spend quality time together out back, so we’re including it. Here is a guide to get you started!
Adapt to whatever project tickles your fancy: build a greenhouse, a doghouse, a patio, a bench for you to sit together and enjoy your garden, or an outdoor movie theater. Build something awesome!
7. Play Card Games by the Fire
Simple, classic, fun. Go with family-friendly classics like Go Fish or Old Maid, aim for strategy with Rummy or Hearts, or find something to wager and go for broke with Poker or Black Jack.
8. Western Train Heist Date Night

Here’s a date-night-in-a-box for you mystery-loving sleuths.
9. Space Night Fun

If the Wild West theme isn’t your style, consider this mission-oriented space edition!
10. Set Up Your Own Putt Putt Course
Miniature golf is a classic date night activity. Make your own course so you can have plenty of at-home date nights on the putting greens.
Click Here to check out more outdoor toys and games to play!
11. Get a Trampoline
Are you too old to jump on a trampoline? That’s like asking if you’re too old to have a good time. The answer, of course, is no.
12. Bug Hunting!
Are all the icky, creepy crawlers coming out in your yard? Spend the evening finding as many as you can and trying to identify them.
No bugs were harmed in the making of this date night idea, so be sure to let them go after you capture them!
13. Simple Game of Catch
Bust out the old baseball mitts, grab a football or Frisbee, or use this velcro paddle set to play a simple game of catch.
You’ll be surprised at the conversations that will ensue as you throw the ball back and forth… There’s something about that mild bit of activity that especially helps guys get to talking.
14. Any of This, But in the Rain

Sure, you’ve probably done many of these amazing outdoor date ideas before (well, maybe not the “build a roller coaster” one). But for those you have done — have you considered doing them in the rain?
Didn’t think so.
15. Date Night Scavenger Hunt

This Rivajam scavenger hunt is nature based, making it perfect for the backyard and around the house!
There’s nothing that prompts laughter and a little healthy competition like a scavenger hunt, so they make perfect date ideas.
16. Make Plans to Watch an Eclipse
There’s something so romantic about sunsets, shooting stars, constellation hunting…
Anything astronomical, really! Find out when the next big eclipse is and plan a romantic evening together under the stars.
Related: Best Astronomy Gift Ideas for Stargazers
17. Set Up a Photo Shoot
In this enchanting date night idea, capture your love through the lens of a camera!
Strike a pose, be serious, or unleash your inner child with silly props. Either way, let the camera of a professional photographer (or your phone’s camera) immortalize your genuine love for each other.
18. Backyard Stay-cation
Get out the plastic pool and lay out some sand for this beach themed stay-cation!
19. Bocce Ball Night
Bocce ball is such a classic backyard game, and a fantastic way to spend some well deserved fun time together. Let the games begin!
20. Perform a Science Experiment

You’re never too old for stuff like this! Bring out your inner child and make a mess together. This fun volcano experiment is a perfect way to start!
21. Set Up an Outdoor Obstacle Course
Projects like this can be so much fun. Half of the enjoyment is coming up with the plan and putting it together, but of course there’s so much more enjoyment to be had once it’s completed.
22. Enjoy a Game of Volleyball
Set up the net, break out the old high school uniforms (if they still fit?), and go at it! Sweat a little, laugh a lot, and make some fantastic memories.
23. Paint & Sip
Love to paint? Love to sip? Then you’ll love this date night idea!
Simply grab your paints, your easel, and head out into the yard to paint what you see. Could be the tree, could be each other. Let your romance and creativity run wild with this fun idea.
24. Build a Fort
Remember those blanket forts you built as a child? Well using what you can around you, put together a fun backyard fort together!
25. Outdoor Video Game Night

Do the two of you love gaming? This date night is for you!
Set up this screen projector in your backyard and race away at Mario Kart! Or, for a more low-key night of video games, simply use your personal Nintendo Switches on the porch swing together.
Either way, video games + each other = romantic date night.
26. Set Up a Disk Golf Course
If you have a decent sized backyard, a disc golf course may be just the thing. And if you’re lacking in acreage (postage stamp lots, we’re looking at you), you could always trek to the neighborhood park!
Such fun.
27. Add to the Back Yard
Is your backyard missing some furniture or much-needed sheds? For this crafty date night idea, spend time putting together your yard. This DIY porch swing is a good place to start!
Related: Must-Have Gardening Gifts
28. Build the Ultimate Sand Castle
This one is for the coastal dwellers! Sandcastles are so much fun and can provide hours of fun while you race to beat the tide. Get creative and let your inner architect shine.
29. Bird Watching & Journaling
Who says birdwatching is for old people? Our fine feathered friends can provide endless entertainment, and you can make it a challenge to see how many different varieties you can spot!
30. Make Your Own Bubbles & Wand
Have you been friends since childhood? Then perhaps you can revive some of those early memories of friendship and blossoming romance with a cute activity like this one.
Romantic Backyard Date Night Ideas
31. Listen to Each Others Mixtapes

Go old-school romance with these modern mixtapes! Using their QR engraving service, create a playlist for each other to listen to during your backyard date night.
32. Outdoor Movie Night
Surprise him or her with one of our favorite outdoor date ideas: An outdoor movie night!
Get some nice outdoor chairs, hang fairy lights, set up a projector screen, then pop some corn and get the rest of your favorite movie snacks.
Choose a great film (here are some clean romcoms and a massive list of family-friendly classics) and have a wonderful time under the stars!
33. Backyard Time Capsule
Planning on living in your home for the next 30+ years? However long you decide to live there, bury a time capsule filled with romantic notes and meaningful items for you to dig back up later on.
34. Couples Journaling

While you relax together on the patio, pull out this couple’s journal and get to know each other a little better as you write your way into each other’s hearts.
35. Dance the Night Away
Just like the title says! Put on some romantic music and dance the night away under the night sky.
36. Moon & Sips
All you need for this sweet date idea are drinks, each other, and the moon light. Simple and romantic.
37. Roses, Roses Everywhere
Decorate every corner of your backyard with beautiful roses (or whatever their favorite flower is)! For an extra touch, lay out a path of petals to guide them to this romantic surprise.
They will be blown away with how thoughtful this idea is, and your yard will smell amazing! Win-win.
38. Cookie Decorating

This sweet date night is full of sugar! And with this yummy recipe by Saving Talents, it’ll be easy too!
Bake some sugar cookies and spend the afternoon decorating them for each other in your backyard. Enjoy every moment of showing off your cookie decorating skills and eating sweets.
39. Hot Tub Time
Put on the hot tub jets, get out the cocktails, and play some romantic music for this relaxing date night.
40. Learn Origami

Learning something new is the perfect way to have quality time together!
This origami mushroom guide by Mommy Made That is a fun and easy way to start off. All you need is paper, scissors, and some glue!
41. Couple’s Q&A
Spend the afternoon coming up with a list of fun questions for each other, then have at it. You can make it extra interesting by adding prizes for correct answers, or punishments for incorrect ones. Have fun and use your imagination!
42. Play Musical Instruments Together
Are you both talented in/interested in music? Then play the night away! Perhaps pull up Garage Band and work on track together? You never know until you try, right?
43. Mystery Date Night

With these cute cards, prepare for a whimsical adventure as you craft a date night filled with surprises and clues for your partner!
Simply scatter your clues around the yard, each with a rhyme or idea that will lead your partner on a thrilling scavenger hunt to the next surprise hidden in your backyard.
Related: Easy DIY Romantic Scavenger Hunt Ideas
44. Renew Your Vows
It doesn’t get much more romantic than this! Hang some fairy lights, light some candles, and renew your vows under the moonlight.
45. Take an Online Outdoor Cooking Class
Become barbecue masters together, and save yourself some money in the long run. Who needs to fork out $40 for a perfectly cooked steak when you can make it yourself, amiright?
46. Sunrise Breakfast Picnic

Nothing says devotion like getting up early to cook for your pookie-bear. Whip up the two of your favorite breakfast treats and have a backyard feast punctuated by the beauty of the sunrise. You won’t soon forget it.
47. Plant a Tree
Pick out your favorite tree, grow a green thumb, and plant it in your yard together.
This idea is perfect for new homeowners to keep track of the years you will be spending there, and a fantastic pick of backyard date ideas.
48. Backyard Tent Date Night
Who says you have to trek to a campground to put that great tent to use? Not us! Have a perfect backyard tent date night complete with a campfire, hot dogs, s’mores, the whole nine yards. Perfection.
49. Make Floating Paper Lanterns

Light up your yard, or pool, with these DIY floating paper lanterns!
Romantic Idea: write sweet notes to your partner on the paper so they can read them as the lantern floats by in your pool.
50. Learn Each Other’s Love Language
You’ve heard the phrase “love language” about 9,000 times, but have you ever really looked into it?
There’s a lot to be gained from knowing how your partner shows and receives love and affection, so this is a wonderful and worthwhile endeavor.
51. DIY Spa Cinema
Spa time AND movies in your backyard? Why not!
Enjoy a movie marathon while indulging in DIY spa treatments like face masks, foot soaks, and hand massages right in the comfort of your backyard.
52. Reminisce

Put together the lawn chairs while getting out the photo albums, journals, and old love notes. Spend your morning reminiscing about your years together.
53. Watch the Sun Set
Soft pinks and warm yellow hues, the calm that comes with the end of another day…
I’m feeling the romance just thinking about it! Watching the sun set together is a staple date night for a reason.
54. Recreate Your First Date
Childhood sweethearts? College campus couple? Blind date? Whatever your origin story may be, there’s something to be said for recreating that magic moment when you realized you were meant to be.
55. Write Out Your Love Story

Chronicle your journey, your own unique love story, together to be immortalized in the pages of time forever. A wonderful gift to hand down to your children in the future, too!
56. Go For a Midnight Swim
If you have a pool or body of water nearby, this can be so romantic and is a refreshing pick of backyard date ideas. And if you’re brave (and secluded enough)…skinny dipping, anyone?
57. Google Earth the World
This one is fun and free!
Using the power of Google Earth, visit new parts of the world together and plan where you will want to visit on future trips.
58. Glow in the Dark Dancing
While wearing glow in the dark clothing, dance the night away under the stars and moonlight! To make sure that you don’t run into trees or grills, add these glow in the dark yard rocks for a romantic, safe touch.
59. Attend a Digital Event
With the power of the internet, there is no need to leave the yard to be entertained! For this date night idea, visit digital events from around the world such as virtual magic shows, stand up comedy, and even concerts!
60. Stargazing

Roll out the sleeping bags, grab a cozy blanket like the one above, and spend the evening pointing out your favorite constellations.
If you’re lucky you might even catch a meteor shower or an eclipse during this sweet choice of backyard date ideas!
Backyard Dinner Date Ideas
61. Delicious Outdoor BBQ

Fire up the grill, grab a can of baked beans, and get cookin’! Whether you go classic with a barbeque hamburger, put the slow roast on for the pork shoulder, get healthy with the coconut lime chicken, or crave nothing but a juicy BLT — we’ve got some fantastic recipes down below.
- Smoke Pulled Pork Shoulder (Pork Butt)
- The Best BBQ Hamburger Recipe
- Coconut Lime Chicken Skewers
- BBQ Bacon Burgers
62. Ice Cream Backyard Date

Whether you’re a double, triple, or quadruple scooper, there’s nothing so innocently romantic as the two of you plus your favorite creamy treat.
63. Party of Two Potluck
Surprise each other with a dish or two for your own mini potluck party of two!
64. DIY Pizza Night

Grab a great outdoor pizza oven like this one from SoloStoves, and fire it up for a fun pizza night. Get creative with your own recipes or try out one of these great ones:
65. Nothing But Sweets
Buffet made of dessert? Why not! In your backyard, fill up a table with your favorite treats and munch away throughout the day.
Nothing quite like a sugar crash in each other’s arms for a sweet ending to a date night.
66. Farm-to-Table Dinner
For this farm-to-table dinner date idea, create meals from the produce in your own backyard garden.
Don’t have a backyard garden? No worries! This indoor garden system helps you grow fresh produce easily all year-round.
67. Bonfire Meals

Campfire and pizza? Yes, please!
Using this delicious campfire pizza recipe and this easy to use pizza fire pit, you can easily create this cheese filled date night right in your backyard!
68. Seafood Boil
Nothing says romance like making a total mess of yourselves as you devour crawfish, crab legs, and shrimp! Head down to your local fish market and pick up a feast fit for kings and queens!
69. Taco Bar
Have a fiesta in the afternoon shade! You can go all out with festive decor, margheritas, Latin music, the whole nine yards. Mix up some pico de gallo and have at it.
70. Fairy Tale Dinner
Take your love for fairy tales to the next level with this classically romantic date night idea!
Turn your backyard into a fantasy story wonderland based on your favorite story and follow this recipe for a meal fit for royalty!
71. Candlelit Picnic
What can improve upon a romantic candlelight dinner at home? Why, moving it outdoors, of course! A simple and sweet choice of backyard date ideas.
72. Breakfast in Bed
Classic “breakfast in bed” meal, but in your hammock!
73. DIY Sundae Bar
Sweets for your sweet! Go classic with tubs of your favorite ice cream, or go wild and have at with those banana splits, triple-fudge sundaes, and brownies ala-mode.
74. Theme Nights
Have this fun backyard date night once a month —
Choose a theme for the night dinner (Asian, Mexican, All-American, etc.) and decorate your yard for it, too!
75. Oktoberfest Celebration

Why go somewhere for Oktoberfest when you can celebrate in your backyard? Enjoy the evening with just the two of you eating this delicious Sheet Pan Bratwurst and Sweet Potatoes recipe or this Frikadellen recipe along with your healthy pint of beer.
BTW, if you plan to have other couples over, then these Air Fryer Schnitzel with Sweet and Sour Cabbage will for sure be a winner.
Whatever you decide to eat, be sure to have a fun and safe Oktoberfest celebration!
Here are some more delicious Oktoberfest recipes:
- Homemade German Spaetzles
- A German Pork Hock “Bake-Off”
- Beer Cheese Soup with Cauliflower
- Beer Ice Cream: Stout Chocolate Pretzel
- Sauerkraut Salad
76. Gourmet Grilled Cheese Night

An all-American classic for good reason! Throw it back to childhood and enjoy the simple things in life together.
Want more mouth-watering ideas? Check out these recipes:
- Brie and Apple Grilled Cheese
- Quick and Easy Kimchi Grilled Cheese
- Chicken Birria Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich: Quick and Easy
- Peach Grilled Cheese
- Welsh Rarebit
77. All American Feast
How could you go wrong with an All-American feast? Put on the ball game outside, and fire up the BBQ for an American filled evening of classic food.
78. Sushi Night

Set up the backyard table for these delicious Flaming Salmon Sushi rolls. And don’t worry if you don’t know how to roll sushi, this kit will help you out!
Need more sushi recipes? You’ll love these:
- Aburi-Style Smoked Salmon Oshi Sushi
- Imitation Crab Sushi Roll Recipe: California Roll
- Rainbow Roll Sushi Recipe
- Dragon Roll Sushi Recipe
79. Cuddle Weather Hot Chocolate
Is it starting to look like winter in your backyard? Enjoy the cool breeze and chilly nights with this hot chocolate recipe.
80. Food Truck Adventure
For this low-key adventurous date night idea, get your fixin’s for a 3-course meal from your favorite local trucks, then eat them in the peace and serenity of your own backyard.
81. Sunset Palette Dinner

For this colorful date night dinner idea, create a meal based on the colors of a sunset. Add to the magic by eating it while the sun goes down.
Creative and romantic.
82. Fondue Feast

Set up a fondue station and enjoy these tasty recipes for this fun date night dinner idea:
83. Bistro-Inspired Dinner

Create a cozy, bistro inspired atmosphere for this date night dinner idea!
Set up a small table with a checkered tablecloth, candles, and matching recipes such as this Mozzarella Cheese Sandwich with Pesto.
84. Movie Night Munchies
Put up your favorite movie on the backyard projector screen and enjoy your go-to movie snacks!
For some at-home movie night ideas, check out this guide.
85. Garden Tea Party

Go classic and get your posh on with a garden tea party. Gather up some favorite brews, whip up some crumpets, and sip to your heart’s content.
86. DIY Salad Bar
It doesn’t get much easier than this! There’s something so satisfying about the freshness of a summer salad while picnicking in the backyard.
87. Morning Brunch Date
Breakfast burritos, omelets, cinnamon rolls, and fresh coffee… The sky’s the limit! Cook up a feast together, and enjoy each other’s company as you devour it in the morning sun.
88. One Color Meal
This date night dinner idea is quick and easy:
Choose one color. Yup, just one! Everything in your meal now has to be that color.
89. Spanish Paella Night
Transport yourselves into Spain with a night full of paella! What is paella and how do you incorporate it into your date night? Check out this article to learn more!
90. Gourmet Burger Bar

Gather up all your favorite (and eccentric!) fixings, and set up a gourmet burger bar. Caviar? Why not? Peanut butter? Sure, go for it. It’s totally up to you and your boo-thang.
Quality Time Backyard Date Ideas
91. Hide & Find Love Notes
Simply write some love letters to each other then hide them in the yard! Spend the evening finding and reading your sweet letters.
92. Spend Time Filling Out a Bucket List
You haven’t filled out a couple’s bucket list yet? No better time than the present!
93. Coffee with a View
Enjoy your early morning with your partner and a good cup of coffee outside for this quality time backyard date idea.
We recommend getting a porch swing or rocking chairs to make this experience even better.
94. Karaoke Night
Sing your lungs out to all of your favorite tunes, and boogie the night away. Nothing says bonding like embarrassing yourself trying to hit the high notes in Bohemian Rhapsody, right?
95. Read Books In the Morning
This is so idyllic, really. Do you both love a good, classic novel? Perfection. Snuggle up and take turns reading to one another.
If your partner hates books, don’t worry! We think they’ll love these options.
96. Go Sun Tanning
Fun in the sun? Yes, please! Don’t forget the sunscreen!
97. DIY Zen Garden

Create your own sanctuary in the backyard! Peaceful afternoons are only a few steps away.
Here are some things to help you get started:
98. Outdoor Board Games
Get your competitive streak rolling with some backyard board games! Checkers, chess, backgammon, and all of your personal faves.
99. Build a Height Wall for Your Kids
Spend your morning together turning a part of your fence or yard into an area to keep track of your children’s growth! A cute way to spend quality time together and with your children.
100. Build a Huge Lego Set
Spread that blanket on the grass and get building! Depending on your architectural/mechanical prowess, these can take anywhere from a couple hours to the entire day, so plan accordingly.
Click Here to see every single Lego architecture set ever made!
101. Decorate for the Upcoming Holiday

Is Christmas just around the corner? Easter a few weeks away? St. Patty’s day looming? Then dig those decorations out and turn your yard into a festive masterpiece! So fun.
102. Finish Puzzles Together
Pick up a new hobby together like completing these puzzles in your backyard! Getting fresh air while doing mental exercises? Yes, please!
103. Play Fetch with the Dogs
Fido ain’t gonna exercise himself! Grab those tennis balls you always seem to be tripping over and have fun playing with your favorite fur baby.
104. Plan Your Next Vacation
Chart the world…or just your next adventure! Alaska? Japan? South America (it’s like America, but South)? The only limit is your imagination.
105. Hammock Cuddles
If you’re looking for time together…well, you can’t get much more together than this.
106. Foot Spa Outdoors
Relax together during the evening with a quality food spa right in your backyard. These foot spa bath massagers come with adjustable heat, bubbles, and vibration settings for the perfect treatment. How fancy!
107. Have a Casual Walk
An evening stroll accompanied only by your hunny and a chorus of crickets? Can’t really beat that.
108. Yoga Day

Spend the morning stretching together with some outdoor couple’s yoga. This large yoga mat will help make this backyard date idea perfect!
109. Start Up a Podcast Together
Do you both have a bunch of ideas and conversations that you just need to get out there?
Then start up a podcast right in your own backyard! It can start as an online diary for the two of you, but who knows…maybe random people will actually enjoy listening.
110. Rock in the Rocking Chairs
Embrace your inner old fogie, grab some lemonade, put on some tunes, and rock the night away.
111. Grow a Garden
Do you both have green thumbs? This backyard date is perfect for couples that want to grow their garden together!
Whether it’s a botanical garden or a veggie garden, this video has some great inspiration ideas.
112. Update/Paint Your Fence
Putting in some good old fashioned elbow grease together totally counts as quality couple time. Plus, it’s good practice for your next karate match…
113. Listen to an AudioBook Together
Get some fresh air with this relaxing date idea. All you need to do is take out the speakers and find the perfect audiobook to start up your “party of two” audiobook book club.
114. Build a Community Library
Have you ever borrowed from a neighborhood library box? There’s something so quaint and lovely about this tradition that will bring your whole hood together. And the two of you as a couple!
115. Cat Nap

Love napping in the warmth of the sun? Then enjoy each other’s company while catnapping in the sunlight.
Having somewhere to lay, such as a hammock or an outdoor blanket, is all you need for this idea.
116. Silent Tea Ceremony
Experience tranquility and mindfulness with a silent tea ceremony in your backyard. Set up a serene tea station with different types of teas and traditional teaware.
Thoughtful way to practice the art of tea appreciation while enjoying your peaceful backyard together.
117. Paint Your Own Coffee Mugs
Want a really cute backyard date night idea? Then this is it-
Using this kit, paint each other’s coffee mugs! Then make the rule that these keepsake mugs will be the only use you’ll use while spending quality time together outdoors.
118. Create & Put Up Bird Feeders

Bird feeders are so fun and easy to make, and you can get as creative as you want when it comes to decorating them. The birdies in your backyard will be so grateful.
Related: Best Bird Feeder Gifts
119. Listen to Music
Few things can bring people together the way music does. Take turns showing each other new songs, and explore new genres together for some sweet memories and a relaxing afternoon.
120. Learn a New Skill Together
Using the power of Udemy, learn new skills such as juggling or magic tricks!
You will have a blast seeing each learn something new and showing off your new found skills to your neighbors.
Backyard Double Date Ideas
121. Start a Book Club
There’s no time like the present! If you both are literary lovers, then how better to share that love with others than with a book club that meets in your own backyard? Sounds absolutely perfect to us.
122. Backyard Silent Disco
Want to throw a double date party that won’t bother the neighbors? Then this backyard silent disco idea is for you!
Simply connect everyone’s headphones to the music for a silent dance party only you can hear.
123. Giant Outdoor Darts
Do you and the other couples love playing darts? Then take the game outdoors with this idea!
All you need to do is paint a portion of your fence to look like a dart board and boom! You have yourself a giant game of outdoor darts.
124. Candle Painting
This idea is fun, relaxing, and you get a pretty candle out of it.
All you need is a tall white candle for each person, some smaller, colorful candles to act as paint when melted and, of course, the brushes.
You can paint them for the upcoming holidays or simply to match your home decor, the options are endless with this idea!
125. Halloween Double Date Night
For this spooky backyard date night, spend the evening sharing ghost stories around the fire while drinking apple ciders! You can even have a good ol’ fashion costume contest for extra fun.
Click Here for more spook-tacular Halloween date night ideas.
126. Enjoy Monthly Cigar Tasting
Do you both enjoy a taste of the finer things? Then this cigar subscription is a semi-regular hobby you could both get into!
127. Put Together a Large Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie is all the rage and we know why! Part art, part delicious snack, they’re as much fun to put together as they are to devour.
128. Nerf War
Embrace your inner child and let those nerf darts fly. Not much more to say than that. Pure, unadulterated fun.
129. Monthly Wine Tasting
Get together every month with your best couple-friends and have fun wine tasting! It’s easy to do when you have a monthly wine subscription.
Or start out slow with a bottle of wine or two and a wine tasting guidebook.
130. Host a Try Not to Laugh Challenge

Put up the funniest Youtube videos on the backyard projector screen and see who can hold in their laughter! First couple who laughs, loses!
131. Ninja Warrior Tournament
For this pick of couple’s backyard date ideas, set up your very own ninja warrior course and see which couple can make it the furthest!
132. Comedy Night
See who the funniest couple is with a backyard comedy night! Stand-up, or slapstick, go knock their socks off.
133. Glow in the Dark Hide & Seek
You are never too old to play hide and seek!
Make this game even more fun and challenging by playing in the dark while wearing glow in the dark clothes.
134. Winter Camping

Add a winter twist to the classic backyard camping experience! Put up some warm tents, start a bonfire, and enjoy a fun, cold night of camping in the yard.
135. Host a Talent Show
You can even build a little make-shift stage, and go all out with themes and decor! So fun.
136. Retro Game Night
Are all of you competitive and absolutely love retro games? Then this pick of backyard date ideas is for you!
Set up these retro gaming consoles on the backyard projector and see who is the best of the best.
137. Backyard Mixology Date

Grab some fancy-schmancy glasses, break out the high-profile mix set, and let loose your inner bartender.
You can impress your friends (and most importantly, your spouse) with your moves and mixes, and put your own twist on even the most classic recipes such as the delicious blueberry lemonade above.
138. Have a Snowball Fight
If you’re worried about the weather putting a damper on your backyard shenanigans, don’t! Embrace what nature gifted you and just have fun in the snow like a couple of kiddos.
139. Game Show Night

THIS IS…well, not Jeopardy. But the lack of a live audience and prize money won’t keep you from putting on a game night that even Alex Trebec would be proud of.
140. Open Christmas Gifts from Each Other

Need some good, backyard date ideas for a Christmas time double date? Then set up a bonfire, put on the hot cocoa, and enjoy one of these Christmas gift exchange games.
141. Backyard Poetry Slam
Channel your inner poets and have a backyard poetry slam. Take turns writing and performing original poems for each other.
Don’t forget to give out a prize for the best poem!
142. Date Night Olympics
This fun couple’s game is full of peak silliness and good times for you and your favorite pals to indulge in. Get ready to laugh ‘til your belly hurts.
143. Backyard Salsa Dancing

It’s like Dancing with the Stars, except the star is your spouse and the backyard is your stage…
144. Host a Trivia Night
Get all of your homies together and rip each other to shreds with a classic trivia night! That’s romantic, right?
145. Outdoor Laser Tag
Awww, yeahhhh. Now we’re talking. If you’re down for a little exercise, there’s nothing like sniping your spouse and BFFs from behind a tree. Like, seriously. Nothing beats that.
146. Couple’s Picnic Date
Grab your favorite picnic blanket (like this one), and put together a classic, quaint picnic lunch for you and your pals. You might as well be June and Ward Cleaver.
147. Comedy Roast Night
Take turns roasting each other in playful ways while enjoying delicious foods. This double date idea is great for those couples that have known each other for a really long time.
148. Outdoor Binge Night

Are you all big on watching tv shows? Then put your favorite show up on the backyard projector and spend the evening binging your favorite episodes.
Related: Best Family Adventure Movies
149. DIY Solar Oven Cook-off
Remember when you built a solar oven in your science class? For this fun double date competition, use those skills to build your own DIY solar ovens and have a classic cook-off with them.
150. Play Giant Yard Games
When it comes to backyard date ideas, there’s no need for anything fancy. Unless giant games are fancy, then yes. You need fancy!
Spend the evening enjoying each other’s company, having a few drinks, and playing some giant yard games.
Read Next: Free Date Night Ideas