Best Family Movies of the 70s: A Nostalgic Look Back at Classic Films

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Let’s journey back in time, guided by the flickering light of the projector, to find ourselves surrounded by the nostalgic charm and enduring appeal of the best family movies of the 70s.

The 1970s was a decade of change and innovation, both in the culture at large and in the film industry.  From animated features to adventure films, the 70s produced some of the most memorable family movies of all time.

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101 Best Old Age Jokes for Birthday Cards

101 Funny Old Age Birthday Card Ideas

Getting old is no joke.

**Pregnant pause…….**

Of course it is! Getting old is hilarious.

With each passing year, it’s best to share a laugh about getting older with friends and family.

For a friend or loved one who has both an upcoming birthday to celebrate and – importantly – a great sense of humor, here are over a hundred old age jokes for birthday cards.

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50 Best Movie Night Ideas for Epic Adventures at Home

Movie Night Ideas

Looking for creative at home movie night ideas?

Whether you decide to avoid the movie theater experience because it’s too pricey, too germy, too crowded, or there’s nothing playing that you want to see, a relaxing movie night at home is always a good idea.

For most of us, it’s as simple as popping something in the DVD player or scrolling through the latest and greatest streaming service.

But, ya know… it doesn’t have to be that simple. It could, instead, be amazing.

We’re going to show you some of the best ways to elevate your evening and create a cinematic experience at home. Here are some seriously fun movie night ideas for a memorable movie night in the comfort of your own living room!

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100 Captivating Gift Ideas That Start with C

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Today we’re going to look at some clever gift ideas that start with C!

Do you have a Caitlyn in your life that is having a birthday? How about the wedding anniversary of Calvin and Casey? 

Why not incorporate a fun theme to your gift-giving with captivating and creative gifts that start with the letter “C?” It’s so fun and really makes you think outside of the box — or perhaps we should say “outside of the crate.”

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