10 Letter Ideas for Boyfriend in Basic Training

Best Letter Ideas for Boyfriends in Basic Training

Let’s look at some letter ideas for your boyfriend in basic training.

You can’t see him right now, but you want to let him know how much you love him, that you are thinking of him, and that you are eagerly waiting for him to return home.

You want him to look forward to mail call every single day, hoping for a heartfelt letter from you.

Writing letters to him while he’s in basic training is a great idea!

But what, exactly, should you say?

We’ve already helped our readers discover the best military boyfriend gifts as well as the most thoughtful and creative deployment gift ideas. Aside from sending gifts, how do you come up with the perfect words to say to your boyfriend in basic training?

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100+ Best Happy Birthday Wishes

Perfect Birthday Wishes

When someone you care about celebrates their special day, you want to wish them the best birthday ever. But sometimes it is just so hard to think of something sweet, funny, meaningful, or even romantic.

Never fear; help is on the way! We have compiled a list of some fun, sweet, and happy quotes for you to sample freely as you write the perfect birthday card.

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Happy Belated Birthday: What to Do & Say When You’ve Blown It

Happy Belated Birthday

Yeah. You blew it. Again.

You always have the best intentions to make sure this year is the year you don’t forget. But then again you suffer from goldfish brain more often than not.

That dear friend or family member whom you care deeply for—the wonderfully considerate one who always sends you a text and a gift on your birthday. And Christmas. And when you get a promotion at work. The one that brings you soup when you’re sick and lets you do laundry at their house…

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Valentine’s Day Quotes for Family (Especially Kids!)

Valentine's Day Quotes for Family (Especially Kids)

Here we have dozens of the best Valentine’s Day quotes for your family.

When writing Valentine’s Day cards, everyone wants to say something special. Something that shows the recipient how much you love and care for them.

While you can easily apply this to anyone in your family, these V-Day quotes are especially ideal for kids. Below, we have creative and meaningful messages for kids (from you to them) and from kids (to their siblings or parents).

Plus we have more great stuff, including funny Valentines quotes and jokes, brief quotes suitable for any relative, young or old, plus longer messages that come from the heart.

Read on for the best Valentine’s Day Quotes for Family!

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Chronic Illness Memes for Those Fighting a Chronic Condition

Chronic Illness Memes - feature image


Chronic illness is a serious thing, but sometimes all you can do is give up and have a good laugh about it. Here are some chronic illness memes that pay homage to the experience of someone with an autoimmune disorder or other chronic condition.

Inspired by our own experience plus the research we put into our previous article, Gift Ideas for People with Chronic Illness.

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