Now that you’ve perfected the art of the selfie — well, first of all, can you teach a seminar or something? Because I always have a double chin and no eyes. But second of all (and more importantly), great birthday photos need great birthday captions! This is no time for writer’s block, people.
Read on for some suggestions to get your captioning mojo going strong! Here’s 101 staggeringly great captions to go along with your staggeringly great selfie.
Short Captions
1. Crazy li’l life.
2. Killing it!

3. Takin’ it easy.
4. Blessed!
5. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
6. Cheers!
7. Speech, speech!
8. Here’s to us!
9. Lovin’ life.
10. Just breathe.
11. Don’t worry, be happy!
12. Pondering…
13. These colors!

14. My happy place.
15. The greatest spot on earth.
16. Listen up…
17. Love him.
18. Love her.
19. The way we are.
20. This family!
Cute Captions
21. Blessed beyond measure!
22. Sendin’ love your way!

23. My heart in a photo.
24. Me in a nutshell!
25. He’s/She’s my everything.
26. Cozy and cuddly!
28. Holdin’ hands and makin’ plans with this cutie.
29. It’s good to be me!
30. Feeling the warm fuzzies today!
31. He/She still gives me butterflies.
32. Feelin’ cute — might delete later.
33. I’ve got my person.
34. Love = what makes the world go ‘round.
35. This is my happy face.
36. Let those smiles reach your eyes today!

37. Puppies, rainbows, and coffee. Dwell on the good things!
38. This is me, sending you hugs!
39. Virtual hugs and kisses headed your way!
40. Loving life today and everyone who makes my joy complete!
Related: Last Minute Birthday Gift Ideas
Funny Birthday Captions
41. Where does the time go?
42. Oh hey, it’s the anniversary of the day I was born.
43. I mean, all the credit goes to my mama today!
44. I’m not old! I’m experienced.

45. Do these candles give me a glow or what?
46. Angles. Filters. Lighting. Every year my list gets longer!
47. For my birthday this year, I’m donating to… me!
48. I may be old, but I’m still cute!
49. These aren’t wrinkles, they’re laugh lines.
50. What a difference a year makes!
51. It’s my day! Woot woot!
52. Now accepting well wishes and presents over here.
53. About to hit up all the places that offer me free items on my birthday!

54. Never let it be said I refused cake and ice cream, baby!
55. I’m the boss today.
56. Do these candles make me look old?!
57. Not my first rodeo, but my (insert age here)!
58. Still kickin’ it old school over here!
59. Party on, Wayne! Party on, Garth!
60. It’s my favorite day! National (insert name here) Day.
16th Birthday Captions

61. SWEET 16 at last!
62. Goodbye 15! Hello, driver’s license!
63. All the best is yet to come.
64. Hello, 16! I’ve been waiting for you!
18th Birthday Captions

66. Legal, single, and ready to mingle!
67. Ack! I’m an adult.
68. I may be “grown up” but y’all know the truth.
69. What happened to my childhood? *looks around*
70. Let’s just say my parents have been waiting for this day even longer than I have!
Related: Best 18th Birthday Wishes & Quotes
21st Birthday Captions

71. Drinks are on you!
72. Showing off my ID tonight!
73. And you said I’d never make it this long!
74. 21, baby! Here it is!
75. Wait. I’m halfway to 42?
Related: Happy 21st Birthday Wishes
25th Birthday Captions

76. A milestone year!
77. I’m a quarter of a century? Math hurts.
78. I think I’m one of those adults now.
79. Halfway through my twenties and killin’ it!
80. What a year to be ME!
30th Birthday Captions

81. Goodbye to my twenties, hello to my thirties!
82. Meh. The twenties aren’t anyone’s favorite, right? RIGHT?
83. Here I come, into my thirties like a boss!
84. I’m just gonna stay 29 one more year, k? K. Glad we agree.
85. 30? How’d that happen?
Birthday Captions for Boyfriend

86. He’s my heart!
87. This guy is everything.
88. He stole my heart and soul!
89. Crushin’ it — that’s my man.
90. Celebrating the existence of this stud muffin!
Birthday Captions for Girlfriend

91. She’s why I get up in the morning!
92. Last thing I think about at night, first thing I think of in the morning.
93. This girl… unbelievable!
94. She makes my heart smile.
95. Everyday. Best friend. For life.
Captions for Best Friend

96. My ride or die!
97. What would life be without my BFF?
98. This right here? This guy/gal? This is my person.
99. They make life worth living!
100. So excited to celebrate this living legend!
101. I can’t imagine life without my bestie. Here’s to him/her!
Read Next: Best Birthday Wishes for Anyone