What are the best birthday wishes for a 21st birthday?
After all, some birthdays are just kind of a big deal! You’ve got the first birthday (hello, baby’s face covered with cake), the fifth (here comes kindergarten), the 13th (ack, teenagers!), 16th (gulp, you’re driving), 18th (time to vote and quit committing crimes – we kid, we kid), and now, drum roll puhleeze…. the 21st birthday!
Turning that final leaf over into full-fledged adulthood is quite the occasion. When it comes to knowing what to say on this oh-so momentous day for someone you really care about, we’ve got you covered!
Here are 100 of the best 21st birthday wishes to write in a card, send in a text, or tell them in person.
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What to Write in a 21st Birthday Card
You read every 21st birthday card in the Hallmark store, and that took what felt like ten years off your life. Now, when adding a personal note you’re stuck with writer’s block?!
Don’t worry – whether you want to go silly and funny, sweet and sentimental, or something in between, we’ve got plenty of ideas to get your pen flowing smoothly.
The main thing is to hit the high notes. Here are some things to consider including in your birthday message:
- Remember the good times spent together
- Express high hopes for the future of your relationship
- Offer wisdom that you’ve gleaned from your years
- Give encouragement in the next stage of their journey
- Use humor or tell a joke to validate the joy of the relationship you share
- Share a quote or Scripture verse
- Tell them what they mean to you
It’s that last one that will mean the most to the recipient. Far too little do we tell people the impact they’ve had on our lives, compliment them, and express our love and appreciation. Use this birthday as an opportunity to do that!
So here we go: 100 bits of inspiration to help you fill out that card with the perfect 21st birthday message.
Best Happy 21st Birthday Wishes
From near to far, from here to there, we wish you a journey that’s oh-so-fair!
So proud to see where you’ve come from – now let’s see where you go!
Wishing you the best birthday of your life (except for all of those others still to come, of course).
Happy birthday and best wishes on everything you do!
Love and well wishes to a truly amazing planet on his/her 21st turn around the sun.
Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness! And also, cake.
It’s a selfish wish, but I hope to be around for the next 21 years of your life as well!
Wishin’… and hopin’… and thinkin’… and prayin’…for you to have a marvelous 21st!
You’re only getting started! Best wishes and lots of love on this, your 21st birthday!
If I could have just one wish, I’d wish it for you to have an amazing birthday.
Best Happy 21st Birthday Quotes
“When you turn 21, you can legally do all those things you’ve been doing since you were 15.” ~ Earl Dibbles, Jr.
“Being 21 is not easy, in the sense that you’re still trying to get to know yourself.” ~ Rhianna Pratchett
“As a teenager and even now at 21 – it’s always love questions. So confusing.” ~ Ashlee Simpson
“Being an artist doesn’t start because you’re 21, and it doesn’t end because you’re 51. You are who you are until the day you die.” ~ Jennifer Lopez
“On the roller coaster of life, your 21st birthday is like being at the top of the first giant hill, with your hands in the air and no lap bar.” ~ Greg Tamblyn
“The experience I gained at age 21 would be useful if I were ever 21 again … But I’m 71 and new at it and keep making age 71 mistakes.” ~ Robert Breault
“When I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years!” ~ Mark Twain
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small.” ~ Richard Branson
“I’m going to die very soon. Before my 21st birthday. I won’t live to be 21. I’m never going to be old. I’m an old lady now anyway – I’m 80. There’s nothing left. I’ve lived a whole lifetime. I’m going out in a blaze of glory!” ~ Nancy Spungen
“It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of; and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” ~ The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
21st Birthday Wishes for Son
Happy birthday to the man I have looked up to for 21 years (yes, even when you were smaller than I was).
Happy birthday, son! You are my hero.
It’s been a wild ride being your dad! Now I’m happy to call you not only my son, but also a real man, and a true friend. Happy birthday!
Happy 21st birthday – your mistakes are officially your own now, kiddo! (Just kidding. I’ll always be here. As long as it’s before 9 pm.)
Twenty-one times around the sun and I was here for all of them! Can’t wait to see what happens over the next 21!
Happy birthday to the boy who made me a man. Cheers!
NOW I’ll share my favorite whiskey with you. Happy 21st!
Happy day, oh happy day! You’ve filled my life with joy and happiness. Hoping you get to experience the same today!
Happy birthday, son! There’s no one I’d rather hang out with, beat at arm wrestling, and blame all the farts on!
You’re the greatest son ever. Which makes sense, since I am the greatest father ever.
21st Birthday Wishes for Daughter
It’s been 21 years since you came waltzing into my life! Happiest of birthdays, my daughter!
I’ve enjoyed every day with you for 21 years! Well, except for years 12 and 13. You were kinda the worst then.
Happy birthday to the loveliest of daughters imaginable!
Most young women are smart or beautiful, but here you are overachieving again!
Happy day to my always baby girl!
You may be 21 and taller than I am, but you’ll always be my baby!
From rockabye in the treetop, to a fully grown woman! So proud to be your mom/dad!
Happy birthday to the one who made me a mom/dad!
You’re the best thing since sliced bread! I know, because I was slicing bread before you were born.
I love you, sweetie… now let’s toast legally to your 21st!
21st Birthday Wishes for a Friend
Happy birthday to my sister from another mister!
Happy birthday to my brother from another mother!
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. Yeah. Happy birthday, weirdo.
Friends are the best thing in life and you’re the best thing in mine!
Happy birthday – drinks are on me!
Let’s party till the cows come home. I never know what that means.
It’s official! We are old!
You’re getting up there, so let’s plan to be home by 9, okay?
Happiest of days to the bestest of friends.
I can’t imagine life without you! (All I know is that it would be really boring.)
Related: Best Birthday Wishes for Your BFF
21st Birthday Wishes for Niece
To the niece who is more like a daughter! Happy birthday!
Some nieces are less like family and more like friends!
To the niece who is always up for some shenanigans!
Happy birthday to the gal who made me like my dumb sister/brother a whole lot more!
It’s your birthday! Aunty’s coming!
21 is a big deal and I am here for it!
Happy birthday to the best thing my sister/brother ever did!
So glad you’re here. Family reunions really used to stink before you were born.
Happy birthday to my one and only favorite niece!
You put the “she” in “shenanigans.” Happy birthday!
21st Birthday Wishes for Nephew
Happy birthday, dude! You’re the best thing my useless brother/sister ever did!
Don’t tell the others, but you’re totally my favorite. Happy birthday!
I love being your uncle/aunt. You make it so easy!
Now that we have that pesky childhood out of the way, let’s party!
You’re not only getting older, you’re getting better and better!
Thanks for being you. And you’re welcome for the marvelous genes that obviously came from me.
Happy birthday to my favorite nephew. From, your favorite uncle/aunt.
Because of you, I am totally willing to come to family game nights again.
To the nephew who is more like a son – happy birthday!
Happy 21st birthday to the second-best looking guy in the family! Love, the first.
Related: Happy Birthday Wishes for Everyone
Funny 21st Birthday Wishes
You’re not getting older, you’re getting… no. It’s older. Sorry.
May you live to be old, cranky, and toothless!
Let’s grow old together! You go first.
Congratulations on being born. A long time ago.
Don’t grow up – it’s a trap!
Don’t worry; you are getting old, but you definitely aren’t mature.
Some people age like fine wine. Others age like a milkshake on a hot day. Take your pick, you’re one of those.
Just remember: “It was my birthday” never goes over well in a courtroom.
Congrats on your escape from the womb that time.
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy some bacon to eat while you suffer.
Funny 21st Birthday Quotes
Your youth has officially expired. Happy 21st!
You’re only 21 once! Unless you’re 21 twice… which means you’re 42. And that would mean I’ve bought the wrong bloody card.
Tonight is the night you’re gonna get lit!!! The candles I mean. 21 of them. That’s a lot.
Don’t keep calm; it’s your 21st birthday. Party like crazy!
The best way to remember your 21st birthday is not to remember it all. Have fun blacking out.
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” ~ Mae West.
Oh, the 21st birthday… There’s a reason they only happen once. Let’s go create some legends.
Happy 21st! Enjoy tonight! Because adulting starts bright and early tomorrow.
Hey, you can finally use your own ID!
Age twenty-one, if truth be told, is partly young and partly old!
More Ways to Say Happy Birthday
Here are some more creative ways to say happy 21st birthday – without words!
Scavenger Hunt. Don’t make giving a gift that easy! If they like adventure, then set up a scavenger hunt that will lead to their gift.
Throw Them a Birthday Party. Great Gatsby style, set up a “bar hopping” in your home, host a murder mystery, or throw a backyard luau. The possibilities are endless!
Go to an Amusement Park. As much as society pushes it, you don’t have to drink on your 21st birthday! Feel the excitement and adrenaline of an amusement park instead!
Send Them Flowers. Here are some gorgeous bouquets perfect for year 21!
Surprise Them With Balloons. Everyone loves to be made much of. These balloons will do the trick just fine.
Give Them a Hangover Kit. Fill up this personalized bag with everything they’ll need to survive a hangover. Pain meds, nausea meds, tea, bottled water, etc.
Wine or Beer Tasting. Take them out to your local winery or breweries to enjoy a more sophisticated introduction to alcohol than what you might find at your local bar.
Digital Picture Frame. Pre-fill this digital picture frame with photos of y’all over the year. when they turn it on, it will be a sweet surprise!
Brunch Date. It doesn’t have to be after five to have a party!
Send a Birthday Beef Jerky Bouquet. Like flowers, except it’s a bouquet of beef jerky. Fun and tasty!
21st Birthday Cards
Here are a few of our favorite 21st birthday cards. After all, you’ll need to write your special birthday message in something… you might as well make it an amazing, hilarious card!
21st Birthday Captions

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