Let me guess. You’re here because you want some fresh ideas for things to do on your anniversary.
Well, you’ve landed in the right place because we have 101 of them.
Whether you and your special someone are the dress-up and paint-the-town type, or the stay-at-home in jogger pants and eat take-out type, we’ve got some quality ways to spend your special day together.
No matter if it’s your first anniversary or your fifty-first, you still love your spouse and want to kindle anew the romance of your big day.
Sure, you’ll get him or her an anniversary gift, but while stuff is nice, the important thing about your relationship is the experience. New memories come from spending quality time together, not a vase of (dying) flowers, or a Hallmark card.
So… get creative! Be inspired! Design an incredible day that both of you will remember long after the gifts are unwrapped and the cards are opened.
Here are 101 truly romantic things to do for your anniversary.
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101 Romantic Things to Do on Your Anniversary
Whether you plan a day that will take you both down memory lane or you want to shoot for a brand-new experience together, there are as many different ways to celebrate your love as there are stars in the sky.
Whatever romantic or fun anniversary idea you decide on, remember that the most important part is simply spending time together.
1. Romantic Scavenger Hunt
Here’s how to plan and pull off a fun-filled scavenger hunt for the two of you on your anniversary.
The great thing about this is that it’s so easy to incorporate all of the traditional anniversary gift themes – paper for first year (clue notes for the hunt!), cotton for the second year (say, find a special clothing item?!), and so on.
2. Picnic in the Park
Pack up an old-fashioned basket with yummy cheeses, a bottle of vino, a baguette (because French bread is more romantic than any other), and some charcuterie.
Enjoy a blissfully great time under the blue skies and soak up the beauty of the great outdoors together.
Winter: Is your anniversary in December or January, so you think this one is out? Nay nay!
How gorgeous would a picnic under fairy lights, with a lantern under a tree, or cuddling around a fire pit be?
A dusting of snow only makes it more beautiful, just don’t forget the sweaters!
Gift idea: Don’t forget a picnic blanket to spread on the ground for your beloved!
3. Road Trip
If you have a friend with a sporty convertible you can borrow, you’ll feel just like Grace Kelly and Cary Grant! Maybe I’m overthinking this.
Fancy cars aside, road trips are so much fun; it’s not even about the destination! Map it out the old-fashioned way—with a map, not your phone.
Pack a lunch and make a playlist. You get bonus points if you make him/her a special mix tape for the journey!
4. Fancy Restaurant
Too often our date nights consist of delivery pizza, am I right?
Make this one night a year super-special by having a romantic dinner at a local high-class restaurant. See if you can meet the chef even, or ask for a seat at the chef’s table.
This is not the time to hold back, so budget accordingly!
5. Total Dive Restaurant
If a fancy restaurant isn’t your jive, do the opposite! Local dives can have better food anyway.
And how fun would it be to dress to the nines while mowing down a platter of greasy fried chicken or slurping the sauce off of a plate of ribs?
We say that’s a great night out. It’s the little things, ya know?
6. Candlelit Dinner
Whether you decide to eat a fancy dinner out or stay in, make it more romantic by lighting as many candles as possible and turning off the electric lights.
Just…you know…don’t forget to blow them all out before bed.
7. Painting & Wine Class
If your partner is the creative type, this romantic gesture will be even more appreciated and is a fantastic way to celebrate this special occasion together.
You never know, you may have hidden artistic talents just waiting to be uncovered!
Bonus: you’ll have a painting to remember the night by for the rest of your lives.
8. Ice Skating
If you have access to ice skating at the rink or local park, this is old-school romance!
Tie up her laces for her, order some fries, and have fun holding onto one another as you crash! This is a perfect way to keep holding hands, too.
Gift idea: Matching personalized scarves for the two of you.
9. Roller Skating
Same as ice skating, only, you know…not so cold.
This is the type of romantic anniversary date idea that romcoms are born from, so go out there and live your real-life love story.
10. Rock Climbing
If you two are the adventurous or sporty types, rock climbing is a great activity to do together!
Whether it’s your first time or your thousandth time, get your sweat on and challenge each other to a climb-off.
11. Kayaking
Nothing is more peaceful than being on a river, am I right?
Also, you don’t want to risk your phones getting wet so you’ll have to leave them behind. Which leaves you with all sorts of free time for smooching and hand holding.
When you aren’t getting an arm workout from all that paddling, of course.
12. Hike a Nearby Peak
Conquering even a tiny mountain will get your heart pumping, your legs shapely, and will give you both a sense of accomplishment.
Promise each other a long slow kiss at the top for extra motivation!
Gift idea: Selfie stick for a nice panorama, and/or a printed canvas shot of the two of you at the peak.
13. Watch the Sunrise
For you early birds, nothing is sweeter than a cup of steaming coffee on the back porch with your beloved, watching the sunrise.
Make it even more special by having breakfast together afterward.
14. Watch the Sunset
Night owls who haven’t seen a sunrise since 1997 will appreciate this one more.
Find a spot (the more isolated the better, but don’t rule out your own rooftop!), and keep your arms around one another as the sun goes down.
Wait long enough, and those fireflies will light up the evening to entertain you.
15. Stargaze Together
Bring a telescope if you have one, and talk about your favorite stars. Don’t forget a blanket to snuggle under!
16. Visit a Farm
Plenty of farms are open for business, whether for selling their produce or showing off their skills.
Take advantage of them! Sample their wares and spend a whole afternoon.
Gift idea: Bring plenty of spare cash to buy stuff. Most of these farms have not only veggies, fruits, ciders, pies, cheese, and more, but they also might have cute merch, organic body scrubs, etc.
17. Go to a Concert
Whether it’s classical music or rock, keep those ticket stubs for the scrapbook!
And pay attention to the opening act: you’ll be able to say when they get famous too that you were there when they were nobody.
18. Go to a Ballgame
Wear your sports gear, paint one another’s faces, and don’t forget to buy one of everything at the food counter and beer garden!
Cheer till you’re hoarse, then switch to kissing, even if the Kiss Cam doesn’t pan your way.
19. Go to the Theater
Movie or live, but if you’ve never gone to live theater, we insist you give this one a try. It’s fun to dress up and patronize your local actors.
And nearly all of them want to meet you after the show (speaking from experience here!) so be sure to stick around for selfies to remember the night by.
20. Hit the Local Tourist Traps
Sometimes when we live somewhere we completely forget to make time to do the things that make our home town famous. For example, many New Yorkers have never been to the Statue of Liberty!
So find out what your city is famous for and play tourist for the night.
21. Play a Game Together
Unless you’re way competitive, then forget we said anything. Don’t blame us for wrecking your marriage!
But if are the laidback type, get out the nostalgic games and don’t forget strip poker. Wink wink nudge nudge.
Gift idea: Board games! Genuine old-school classics are a great option.
22. Watch a Rom-Com
Sure, they may be sappy sweet, but so are you guys.
23. Write Love Notes
Be honest and bare you heart in a note. This is even more fun if you hide them around the house to find later.
Stick one in the glove box of her car, tape one to the six-pack in the fridge, fold one up in her coat to find next season, even mail one!
P.S. No need to wait for an anniversary to do this one either.
Gift idea: A special mailbox for your love letters.
24. Plan Your Future Together
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together 2 years or 52, you still have life to live! Go out on a date to a nice dinner, and just sit and talk.
Be practical if that’s what floats your boat, or make it more of a dream bucket list. But at the end, pick at least one item that you commit to making a reality this year.
25. Remember the Past Together
Get out the photo albums and the wedding video. Point out the people in the background, reminisce about the births of your children, ask one another what their favorite memory of all time was.
What year would you go back and do over because it was so great? What made it great?
26. Use Candles
We can’t help it. They’re just romantic. And psst, women really love them. Don’t have any? Take her candle shopping!
Gift idea: We seriously love these wanderlust-inspired natural soy-based candles.
27. Make Dinner, Dessert, or Appetizers
There’s just something romantic about making food together, isn’t there?
Even if you’re planning to dine out or order in, make dessert or mix a creative drink together.
28. Make Sushi
Sushi is surprisingly fun to make, and it’s not too difficult to do at home—it’s just difficult enough where, at some point, someone will need to reach their arms around someone else to show them how it’s done.
The music will swell as you both pause, recognizing your chemistry in this most intimate of settings….well, that’s how it goes in the movies at least.
29. Make a Bonfire, Sit Around, and Talk Late Into the Night
Don’t forget the hot buttered rum and the S’mores of course. And a blanket to share.
You might have to blow an ember out that floats too close to your beloved’s face and well, take advantage and kiss them while they’re there.
Related: Warm & Cozy Gifts for Best Snuggles
30. Have Dinner on the Porch, Patio, Roof, or Backyard Lawn
Mix it up! It may only be last night’s chicken pot pie but it will taste so much better in a new location, promise.
Your neighbors may give you weird looks but they’re just jealous.
31. Horseback Riding
Remember the scene in George of the Jungle where Brendan Fraser is galloping around with the horses and the men are clueless at his beauty and say, “what is it with women and horses?”
It’s like that. But without Brendan.
32. Tour an Art Museum
Steal kisses whenever no one else is around. Or when they are around, we don’t mind.
33. Go Wine Tasting
Wineries are everywhere these days and even beer drinkers can have fun being hoity-toity and pretending they know the difference between a Pinot Grigio and a Pinot Noir.
Besides, it never hurts to get a little tipsy when on an anniversary date!
34. Go on a Pub Crawl
If beer is more the speed of you two, try a pub crawl! You’ll come away with more friends than you had before and probably a new favorite pint.
35. Hire a Photographer for a Romantic Photo Shoot
Whether you go full-blown romantic, or make it silly, this is a fun way to commemorate your day (and your life together).
Bring the dog or the Harley or whatever makes you guys YOU.
36. DIY Selfie Tour
Dress up and tour the best outdoor and downtown places in your area, taking romantic kissy-kissy selfies everywhere you go.
Yes, this might be the poor man’s version of the professional photo sesh, but it’s still pretty darn romantic.
37. Ice Cream Sundaes
At home or at a parlor, you can’t beat some yummy ice cream with all the toppings. And when your lips freeze, you can kiss them back to life.
Gift idea: Get a personalized ice cream scoop to remember this special anniversary year.
38. Go to Trivia Night
Lots of bars and pubs offer these, but if all else fails, start your own!
It’s a fun alternative to karaoke, for those of us who can’t sing but like to fill their heads with useless trivia.
39. Play Bingo with the Old Folks
It’s a hoot, we promise. Be warned: they’re pretty cutthroat.
Use any winnings for some dessert afterwards!
40. Go for a Horse & Carriage Ride
Whether it’s Autumn and your mighty steed is stepping through the crunchy leaves, or winter and it’s a sleigh, there isn’t a more romantic ride out there!
41. Fly on a Helicopter Tour
Don’t forget the camera! Nothing makes your insides topsy turvy like doing something daring. And butterflies in tummies make for extra hugs and kisses.
42. Take a Balloon Ride
Take it from someone who got engaged in a hot air balloon, this is way romantic.
43. Go on a Cruise
Whether it’s an exotic destination or…well, they’re all exotic, aren’t they? That’s what makes them so awesome.
This will be one anniversary to go down in history.
44. Make a Snowman, Snow Angels, & Have a Snowball Fight
It’s not just for the kids! In fact, without them there you can get that snowman exactly right for once.
And spend some time chucking snowballs at each other, because nothing says love like I’m gonna to smack you really hard with some frozen water.
45. Get Coffee (or Hot Chocolate) & Look at All the Christmas Lights
You can pack your own thermos full of steamy, frothy goodness, or drive thru your favorite coffee shop on the way.
Hold hands and blast some Christmas music while you find the best house in town.
Gift idea: A set of personalized travel tumblers for your favorite beverages.
46. Find a Drive-In Movie Theater
Google how close to you you can find a drive-in theater. If it’s far, don’t forget idea #3.
(Idea #3 is “road trip.” You didn’t have that memorized, did you?)
47. Take Dance Lessons Together
Salsa, ballet, tap, waltzing – anything goes! Put your self-consciousness behind you and commit to having a fabulous time.
48. Have a Spa Day
Matching robes and joint massages. Who doesn’t love that? You’ll come out shiny, relaxed, hydrated, and ready to… you know.
49. Hide Love Notes All Over the Place
In the sock drawer, in the coffee pot, on the front seat of the car. Some may not be found for months, and that makes it even better!
50. Get Out in Nature
Especially for you city dwellers, stop and smell the roses. Go on a walk or hike, a picnic, go play at the park and push each other on the swings, wander through a bird sanctuary, hold hands through an arboretum, climb trees together, or go camping.
51. Animal Shelter Date + Adopt a Friend!
Of course only do this one if you’ve talked extensively about it before hand.
But if you’re ready for a four legged friend, make your anniversary extra special by making it another anniversary: the one you brought home your other best friend.
52. Send Flowers Before the Date
Forethought is a good thought! He/she will know you’ve been looking forward to this day for a while, and didn’t wait till the last minute like those other goons in the flower section at Safeway.
53. Visit Botanical Gardens
Strolling slowly while looking at the beauty of creation is a great way to reconnect with your partner.
You’ll have plenty time for conversation, or just find solace and romance in the quiet after a busy week.
54. Recreate Your First Date
Especially if it was an epic fail!
…or an epic success!
Try to put together the same outfits you had on, eat the same food, use the same (lame) pickup lines, and go to the same place.
If the location isn’t possible, do your best to copy it somewhere else. This would be super fun as a surprise for your honey.
55. Book Your Honeymoon Suite
Or some other favorite spots from early on in your relationship. You know what’s most romantic for the two of you!
56. Create a Trivia Game
Make your own version of Jeopardy about yourself, your spouse, your history together, and your hopes for the future.
57. Set Up a Tent in the Living Room
It’s not just fun for the kids! Don’t forget flashlights or fairy lights, snacks, and a book to read aloud.
And if the floor gets too uncomfortable in the middle of the night, help each other back to bed (cuz that’s fun too).
Gift idea: Fairy lights. Chicks love fairy lights.
58. Get Matching Tattoos
Get down with your bad selves! Of course, only do this one sober and with planning.
59. Go on a Shopping Spree
Buy her exactly what she wants and vice versa. Channel your inner Tom and Donna and “treat yo’self!”
60. Give a Massage
If money is too tight, offer up your services yourself. Don’t forget some yummy smelling lotions or oils and some music in the background.
If you have the spare change (or you have ogre hands), have a couple’s massage with a professional.
Gift idea: Lotions, body scrubs, essential oils, spa gift sets. You get the idea.
61. Get Your Favorite Snacks & Watch Netflix
Sure, it’s basic, but it’s popular for a reason!
Gift idea: Netflix & Chill t-shirt set. Remember, “cotton” is the traditional 2nd anniversary gift.
62. Go to a Theme Park
Ride the rides and EAT ALL THE FOOD.
63. Go to a Zoo or Aquarium
Pick out your favorite animal together. Wander and get lost a little.
64. Take a Cooking Class Together
Food is an aphrodisiac, don’t you know? Maybe sign up to learn how to cook your favorite type of food, or stretch yourself and do an ethnicity you’ve never even eaten before!
Hint: go for spicy. Spicy lips need soothing kisses.
65. Take a Wine or Beer Tasting Tasting Class Together
You learn something, spend time together, and get a little sloshed! It’s a win-win!
66. Go Camping
Under the stars or in an RV, camping with just the two of you can be uber-romantic.
Pack plenty of food and beverages and spend time together without the hustle and bustle of your normal life. Go fishing or boating, too!
67. Get a Hammock for Two and String It Up Somewhere
Bring a book to read aloud together, or just take a nap together.
Gift idea: A hammock for two, duh.
68. Include Chocolate
Because ANNIVERSARY. Can you even have an anniversary celebration without chocolate? We think not.
69. Book That Dream Vacation
Just do it. You only live once! I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone look back and say they regretted that magical trip to Tuscany.
70. Give the Same Anniversary Card Back and Forth Each Year
This is especially fun if you share the same sense of humor, or have a sweet sentiment that never gets old.
But what to write in the card? Here are over 100 romantic “Happy Anniversary” wishes & quotes.
70. Go on a Bike Ride
Bonus points for a tandem bike!
But if not, it’s still romantic to pedal through a winding country road together. And if you planned a surprise picnic at the end? Golden.
71. Fly Standby to Somewhere You’ve Never Been
Does it even matter where? Not really! That’s half the fun.
72. Dance Your First Dance from the Wedding
Just dial up that song when she/he least expects it and grab them by the waist! See where it leads you…
73. Start a New Tradition
This is a great thing to do on your first anniversary, but even if it’s much later in the game, new and thoughtful ideas always ramp up the romance.
Some ideas:
- Get an instant-print film camera and take pics in a special spot, or dressed up, or with anniversary props.
- Add a page to your couple’s scrapbook/photo album each year.
- Pull out your wedding cake topper (or have a new one made), bake a cake, and share it.
- Read your vows again to each other.
- Do pretty much anything else on this list as your annual tradition.
74. Turn Off the Devices
Take the day and just unplug. TV, phones, smartwatches, you name it.
Sit on the porch, share some drinks, and just talk. Pull out a deck of cards or some board games. Go for a walk around the neighborhood and hold hands.
75. Serve Somewhere Together
Soup kitchens, the Gospel Mission, your local Boys and Girls Club, a homeless shelter; no matter where you live, there are always options and plenty of opportunities to give back to your community.
At first blush, it doesn’t romantic per se, but you’d be surprised at much you’ll come together over after a day of giving back.
76. Go Fishing
Really! It’s relaxing and a lot of fun to bait a hook and wait patiently for a bite. There will be plenty of downtime to sneak in some heavy petting too, so it’s a win-win (the fish won’t mind).
Be sure to get a license! We want your fun day to end up with a fish fry, not a ticket/fine.
77. Plan A Stay-Cation
Not everyone has the funds or even the desire to travel, so why not stick close to home instead?
Patronize all your local favorites, especially ones you haven’t done in a while (like, since the kids were small).
78. Swap Houses for the Night With Friends
There’s just something fun about spending the night somewhere new, isn’t there? Why not swap houses with good friends for the night, or the weekend?
It’s like being in an Air B and B, but even cozier because you can text your friend for the wifi password and eat all their snacks without feeling weird.
79. Go to An AirB&B
They’re affordable and fun!
It can be close or a distance away, but make sure you pack a bottle of wine (and a corkscrew, word to the wise), and enjoy your night holed up in your love nest.
80. Go to a Bed and Breakfast
It’s like an Air B&B, but with breakfast.
81. Go Out for Karaoke
Sing as terribly as you want, no one will judge you on your anniversary! Cheer loudly for your true love as they hit (or miss) all those high notes.
P.S. Don’t forget to throw in your wedding songs for added romance.
82. Cook Together
Start by picking out a cookbook (go old-fashioned, trust me, and use a real-life, honest-to-goodness cookbook), pick out a recipe, grocery shop together, and then spend the evening in the kitchen, rubbing elbows.
Don’t forget to have some mood music!
And if the noodles get a little overcooked because you were making out a bit, it’s all good.
83. Rearrange the House Together
Breathe life into an old house by completely rearranging the furniture! It can be the living room, the bedroom, or the whole house (if you’re feeling energetic).
Plus all that heavy lifting will make you breathe a little heavier as well, and might lead to other energetic activities…
You can see me winking and nudging, right?
84. Bake Together
Cookies or even a three-layer tiered cake, baking can be super fun when shared with a loved one.
Everyone looks cuter when they’ve got flour on their nose, it’s a scientific fact!
85. Take A Bath Together
Do we really need to spell it out for you? It’s good clean fun (pun intended).
Don’t forget some yummy scented salts or bubbles, some candles, and a plate of snacks never hurt anyone. Sustenance, you know.
86. Put Together A Puzzle
Depending on how many pieces you choose, this one could keep you up all night!
You’ll have to sit close of course, as you huddle over your work in progress. It might be fun to choose one that means something to your relationship: the city where you met, a scene that reminds you of one another, your favorite holiday, etc.
Gift idea: Create a personalized photo puzzle for the perfect anniversary gift!
87. Learn a New Skill Together
To keep it fair, make it something neither of you know how to do or are both equally bad at! Tennis, knitting, unicycle riding, bocce ball, horseshoes, badminton, swimming, piano playing.
If necessary, hire a teacher for the day, or just learn together on your own from a book or an online tutorial.
88. Play Musical Instruments Together
If you both played in grade school, pick that hobby back up. Or if you’ve never been musically inclined, why not buy one another a gently used instrument and learn together?
We think many a great duo was born this way. Garage band, here you come!
89. Wander the Mall Together
They are a dying breed, the shopping mall, so why not enjoy them for a little bit longer? It will make you feel like teens again, and don’t forget the food court!
Get me an Orange Julius while you’re there, would you?
Gift idea: Find a photo booth and get some pictures to remember!
90. Have a Paint Gun War
Go all out and feel like a kid again! Make some bets too: winner gets extra lovin’ later?
91. Play Cards or Host a Game Night
Whether it’s just the two of you, or a houseful, an old-fashioned Game Night with plenty of decks of cards is always a rollicking good time.
Whether you make things more interesting by betting is up to you, but definitely put out some salty snacks and cold drinks.
92. Take a Mixology Course
Learn how to make cocktails with style! You can ask a bartender to teach you if you know of one, take an online course at Udemy, or sign up for an actual in-person class.
Old-Fashioned, Moscow Mules, Dark and Stormies, White Russians…
I mean, pace yourself of course. You don’t have to sample each and every one, but wouldn’t it be fun at the end to make your own signature drink as a couple?
93. Go to the Pet Store and Adopt a Fish
Or a bearded dragon, or a turtle, or a tarantula. Something simple that won’t require a ton of maintenance! Beta fish are easy in a simple jar.
You can name it something like Smooshykins to represent your love.
Of course, if Smooshykins dies suddenly that could look bad for your relationship…
94. Host a Dinner Party
If no one is throwing you an anniversary party, throw one for yourself!
Go all out and use the good china (order in if cooking sounds like a hassle), candles, music, and be sure to dress to the nines.
You could have a theme, like the ’50s or the ’80s, or Black and White, or even a mini-masquerade! If you have kids who want to participate, have them make hand-written menus and they can be your “wait staff.” If one of them plays the violin, even better.
Bonus idea: Make it a murder mystery party for even more fun!
95. Paint the Walls of Your Bedroom
Or if another room needs it even more, than do that one, but we suggest the boudoir.
A fresh coat of paint does wonders for making a room look brand new! And everyone looks cuter in overalls, with paint in their hair (you can shower together while the wall dries).
96. Buy Something for the House Together
Have you been saying for oh, a decade now, that you need a new bedroom set? Or a rug? Or a fancy new espresso maker?
There’s no time like now to get something special you can both use! How about new bedding, or some patio furniture, or a firepit?
97. Go to the Bookstore
Browse for a while and either find books for one another, or one that you can read aloud at bedtime. It doesn’t have to be deep and philosophical, unless that’s what turns the two of you on!
It can be an Erma Bombeck laugh-out-loud memoire, or a classic novel from your childhood, or a scary thriller that will make you cuddle one another under the covers later.
98. Watch Horror Movies Together
Because nothings says “Hold me, Baby!” like being terrified together.
It’s super-bonding. Plus you won’t be able to fall asleep and will need to find other things to do instead…
99. Dress Up and Eat at a Fast Food Joint
You’ll make everyone else smile too as you sit down for burgers and fries in your fanciest get-up.
Bring some candles and a tablecloth too! Who knows, you could be the stars of the next Chik-fil-a commercial.
100. Visit Your Grandparents or a Senior Home
Ask about their love stories and go through their old photographs. Reminisce together about family members if you share some, and hear how they met.
Ask about their favorite memories, their worst date, what their respective parents thought of each other, the toughest time in their marriage. Then share about yours as well!
101. Renew Your Vows
And last, but certainly not least, our final pick of romantic anniversary ideas.
Your anniversary is the perfect time to renew your commitment to each other.
A vow renewal can be huge and elaborate (in which case we recommend that you start the planning as early as possible), or a simple thing in your own house, in front of a roaring fire.
They can be your original vows, or if you find you’ve changed over the years and matured into something and someone else, write new ones.
There can be an audience, or it can be just the two of you. But we do think you should remember to take some photos, if not a video, to commemorate the occasion!
Related Articles: Romantic Scavenger Hunt
So there you have it! 101 romantic anniversary ideas for an unforgettable celebration. What do you think? Did we miss any?
If you have more anniversary ideas that you’d like to share, let us know in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.
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