What are some gift ideas for new moms that they’ll really appreciate?
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Newborns & New Mamas
Awwwww, newborns. Tiny little bundles that smell like candy, snuggle non-stop, and let you rock and sing to them all the day long. It’s every mother’s dream.
But what about, you know, the side effects produced by these little bundles of joy?
Colic happens. Sleep is tough. Feeding issues about. Body parts get sore and chafed.
Maybe you know a new mom who you want to bless. Or maybe you know someone struggling with some of these things, and want to find ways to support them, or brighten their day.
Childbirth is a beautiful thing, but we all know the toll it takes on a body even under the best circumstances.
Throw in lack of sleep, major life adjustments, and anything else that might happen and it becomes downright exhausting.
My ‘New Mom’ Story
I was one of those moms. With my firstborn, I had all of these grand ambitions of happy baths, and library story times, peaceful rocking chair sessions, and naps together.
From Day One our life was nothing like what I had imagined.
My sweet girl cried all the time (all. the. time.), refused to sleep, hated to snuggle, and I was so….
When we went to bed, crying.
When we were just about to fall asleep ourselves, crying.
When we finally fell asleep, more crying.
It was rough.
There were bright spots, of course! Not only was our girl the cutest little chub ever, and smart, too (seriously; now that she’s older it’s clear she’s gifted but we could tell early on) we loved her dearly, enjoyed the smiles and playtime, and my husband and I grew closer as we worked together to manage each day.
Plus there were many simple and profound ways that others reached out and brightened my day, or provided a small but much-needed dose of relief.
I’ve been on the receiving end of so many wonderful gifts, acts of love and service, and showers of generosity. So if I can help that happen with more tired new mamas I would love it.
Below I am going to list some gift ideas for new moms: ways you can offer practical support, plus some gifts that the tired new mama will appreciate.
Practical Gifts for New Moms: Acts of Service & Support
1. Meals
One thing that helps – probably more than you know – is bringing meals.
Generally new moms are pretty tired and brain dead, so it would probably help to just offer to drop and run, and not ask a bunch of questions.
You can also bring a hot meal plus a freezer meal for later, so that on a hard day they can have an easy dinner. Here are a couple recipe ideas that anyone can just pop into a crockpot, easy peasy.
Also, this guide is for sympathy meals after a loss, but the guide is actually excellent for any occasion. Plus it includes all sorts of recipes (including consideration for common dietary restrictions), tips on making it special and easy-to-clean-up, and some ideas to help you communicate love effectively.
2. Just Be There
One thing that can be very helpful for a tired mom (especially one with a colicky baby) is an offer sit there for a bit. Hold the baby, watch her while the parents get out for a bit, whether alone or on a date.
Just having a bit of quiet time can make life a lot easier for any new mom. I had a gal do this for me on occasion, and I will forever be thankful.
Of course the parents going out will typically be after the baby is a few months old and when the parents are comfortable with it. But you can at least make the offer – if will be appreciated! And you can be around in other ways – let mama nap, provide adult conversation, and so on.
3. Clean House
Offering to clean house can also be helpful. Again, I would recommend not asking a bunch of questions, which can add stress.
Offer, get it done and bail.
Maybe even give the new mama the opportunity to take a nap or some alone time while you are there.
12 Great Gift Ideas for New Moms
Here are a few practical gifts, plus some fun and creative ideas to bless and/or spoil the new mama.
1. Medicated Witch Hazel Pads
At first this might seem like an embarrassing idea for a gift, but when you’ve had a baby almost nothing is that embarrassing anymore.
Someone brought me a basket of these babies and some chocolate bars, after having a rough birth, and it was probably the most helpful gift! These things are pretty much magic on the vajayjay. 😉
2. Postpartum Survival Kit
This would be a nice pampering kit for mom, and even has a sleepy time oil roller for the baby as well. And if it’s a first time mom they may not think of their poor nipples, but when pumping or nursing all day every day those little things get so worn out. This kit comes with a cream to help alleviate sore nipples.
Every new mom needs to be able to kick back and be pampered a little bit, or a lot bit, right?
3. Comfy Fuzzy Slippers
These would be an especially nice gift for those mommies giving birth in the winter. Everything cozy is sure to be a winner of a gift.
4. Bring Coffee

Coffee!!! Need we say more? The life blood of every new mom. If I could have hooked up a coffee I.V. after having a baby I would have been tempted. We also suggest delivering a coffee when you visit. Or even better, get a coffee subscription from an artisinal coffee roaster like Pacific Northwest-based Stumptown Coffee.
There are plenty of coffee-themed gift ideas. Here is an excellent gift basket from The Meeting Place, which includes coffee beans plus an assortment of home-baked goods from the small-town Ohio coffee roasters.
5. Birthstone Necklace
This is a beautiful new mommy gift, and can be added to if more babies arrive. 🙂 Customize this with initial and birthstone.
6. A Sweet Water Bottle
New moms could basically drink the ocean dry!! Maybe make it a little easier on them, by gifting them with a nice water bottle. Keep them happy and hydrated, baby!
7. Chocolate!
Cannot stress this enough! In fact, we would recommend adding chocolate to any gift you bring. 😉
8. Fuzzy Blanket
Everyone loves a good blanket, right? Just me? A lot of time is spent snuggling and nursing the new baby, so giving a cozy blanket as a gift should add to the new mom’s comfort.
9. Mama and Baby Bear T Shirts
These are super cute!! New comfy shirts make great gifts, and these come with options for the whole fam!
10. Custom Engraved YETI Tumbler
YETI tumblers are great because they keep coffee and tea super hot or ice cold for a long time. Get one personalized with mom’s name or a cute “mama bear” design here.
11. Vitamin C Facial Serums
Help the new mama in your life refresh her tired skin with these natural serums. Especially with lack of sleep, it is easy to just feel tired and rundown.
12. DIY gifts

For those of you that are crafty, DIY gifts are great! Baby blankets, custom signs, baby books, or whatever your specialty is would be sure to be loved and treasured.
Here is a fun and easy DIY gift basket, you can easily put your own spin on it. And here is a list of simple and nifty do-it-yourself gift ideas ideal for around the holiday season.
Wrapping Up
Well, there ya have it, folks! We would just encourage you to be there for those new mamas, in whatever way you can. That extra bit of love and support will mean the world. <3
If we had one thing to say to a mom with a screaming baby it would be, “Hang in there, mama! This season is a gift, and even though it’s hard it’s wonderful. Keep loving your little one and being thankful.”
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