We go together like…
Copy and paste.
Scarlett & Rhett.
PB & J.
If you’re looking for the “perfect pair” of things that go together, we’ve gotcha covered.
Here are over one hundred of the best “we go together like…” quotes. These are great for celebrating romance and friendship alike, with a dash of cutesy humor.
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Best We Go Together Like Quotes
We’ve divided our collection of two things that go together funny quotes into sections for couples and for BFFs.
However, aside from a few romantic-type quotes, most of these can be applied to either couples or besties, so be sure to read through both lists.
We Go Together Like Quotes for Couples
So you think you’re the perfect couple? Try these romantic similes!
We go together like…
- Adam & Eve
- Aloo & gobi
- Antony & Cleopatra
- Arts & crafts
- A bushel & a peck
- A wink & a smile
- Bed & breakfast
- Bonnie & Clyde
- Bread & butter
- Campfires & smores
- Coffee & cream
- Cookies & milk
We go together like…
- Copy & paste
- Cory & Topanga
- Cupcakes & frosting
- Dandelions & daydreams
- Darcy & Elizabeth
- Disney & happily ever after
- Fish & chips
- G’day & mate
- Han & Leia
- Hanky & panky
- Homer & Marge
- Hot chocolate & marshmallows
- Hugs & kisses
- Jim & Pam
- Lightning & thunder
- Lois & Clark
- Macaroni & cheese
- Marshall & Lily
- Meat & potatoes
- Monica & Chandler
- The moon & the stars
- Needle & thread
- Netflix & chill
- Noah & Allie
- Nutella & anything
- Nutella & a spoon
- One & the same
- Pad & thai
- Peaches & cream
We go together like…
- Peanut butter & jelly
- Peas & carrots
- Pieces of a puzzle
- R & R
- Red on a rose
- Rey & Kylo
- Romeo & Juliet
- Ron & Hermione
- Rose & Jack
- Salt & pepper
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Spaghetti & meatballs
- Superman & Lois Lane
- Tacos & Tuesdays
- Tarzan & Jane
- Tea & cookies
- Tea & crumpets
- Tikka & masala
- William & Kate
Related: 20 Uniquely Romantic Quotes for Your Soulmate
We Go Together Like Quotes for Besties
What two things go together perfectly? You and me.
BFFs are two of a kind. Although sometimes besties can be total opposites. Or troublemakers.
We go together like…
- … it or not
- Alcohol & bad decisions
- An old lady & 27 cats
- Anne & Diana
- Avacado & toast
- A quiet room & a fart
- Bacon & eggs
- Bacon & anything
- Bait & switch
- Bathtubs & toasters
- Ben & Jerry
- Betty & Veronica
- Breaking & entering
- Cain & Abel
- Calvin & Hobbes
- Cheech & Chong
- Chinese food & chocolate pudding
- Chips & dips
- CID & logic
- Clowns & crying children
- Control & status register
- Cod & swallop
- Cops & robbers
- Cops & donuts
- Diablo & Red Bull
- Drunk & disorderly
- Feet & Legos
- Fiddles & sticks
- Fire & brimstone
- Forks & power outlets
- Frodo & Sam
- Gin & tonic
- Hamilton & Burr
- Hipsters & Sriracha
- Lipstick & leopard print
- Lo & behold
- Mary Kate & Ashley
- Mentos & coke
- Odds & ends
- Oil & water
- Orange juice & toothpaste
- Pina coladas & tiny umbrellas
- Pumpkin & spice
- R2D2 & C3PO
- Rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong
- Rock & roll
- Robin Hood & Little John
- Rocket & Groot
- Rum & coke
- Salt & vinegar
- Scout & Boo
- Search & destroy
- Shake & bake
- Sharks & tornadoes
- Sherlock & Watson
- Shock & awe
- Smoke & fire
- SpongeBob & Patrick
- Sugar & spice
- Taco Bell & the runs
- Tesla & Edison
- Tequila & lime
- Timon & Pumbaa
- Tom Hanks & a volleyball
- Tom & Huck
- Tonya Harding & Nancy Kerrigan
- TP & #2
- Trucks & mud
- Two peas in a pod
- Unicorns & glitter
- Wile E. Coyote & Road Runner
- Wine & cheese
- Woody & Buzz
- Your face & a wall
- Zebras & stripes
Read next: The Couple’s Gift Guide
You are the __ to My __ Quotes
Here’s a fun variation on the “we go together like…” phrase.
You are the…
- Bomb to my diggity
- Candy to my cane
- Flip to my flop
- Froot to my loops
- Ghetto to my booty
- Ginger to my bread
- Hanky to my panky
- Heart to my beat
- Ice to my cream
- Icing to my cake
- Lolly to my pop
- Milky to my way
- Mis to my chief
- Non to my sense
- Peanut to my butter
- Rock to my roll
- She to my nanigans
- Star to my burst
- Straw to my berry
- Sweet to my savory
- Wi to my fi
- Window to my walls, the sweat to my…. you know.
And don’t forget the all time classic…
You’re the key to my heart.
Foods That Go Together
Certain flavors complement each other so well that they take on an iconic status. Let’s take a look at the most popular foods that go together like salt and pepper, bacon and eggs, cookie dough and a spoon…
- Bacon and eggs
- Beans and rice
- Biscuits and gravy
- Bread and butter
- Chicken and dumplings
- Fish and chips
- Grilled cheese and tomato soup
- Ham and cheese
- Ketchup and mustard
- Macaroni and cheese
- Meat and potatoes
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Pork and beans
- Soup and salad
- Spaghetti and meatballs
- Strawberries and cream
More Things That Go Together
In linguistics, a collocation is the habitual juxtaposition of one specific word with another. In other words, things which are incomplete without each other.
Here are more inseparable pairs examples:
- Bells and whistles
- Black and white
- Bright and early
- By and large
- Calm and collected
- Cease and desist
- Champagne and caviar
- Chaos and confusion
- Cloak and dagger
- Crisp and clean
- Cut and dried
- Down and out
- Fair and square
- Fast and furious
- First and foremost
- Flesh and blood
- Free and easy
- Gloom and doom
- Hale and hearty
- Hammer and nail
- High and dry
- Huff and puff
- Hustle and bustle
- Jot and tittle
- Kith and kin
- Law and order
- Leaps and bounds
- Live and learn
- Lock and key
- Lost and found
- Movers and shakers
- Neat and tidy
- Nook and cranny
- Nuts and bolts
- Peace and quiet
- Pencil and paper
- Pins and needles
- Plain and simple
- Pots and pans
- Rock and hard place
- Safe and sound
- Sick and tired
- Smoke and mirrors
- Spick and span
- Stars and planets
- Stars and stripes
- Thick and thin
- Time and again
- Tooth and nail
- Pickled and pink
- Trial and error
- Up and running
- Wine and dine
Three Things That Go Together
That’s right, we’re going there. Not one, not two, but three things that go together! Inseparable trios, triads, and triplets! Threesomes, trinities, and thriples!
Ok, enough of that. Here are popular examples of three things that go together:
- Bacon, lettuce, and tomato
- Beg, borrow, or steal
- Blood, sweat, and tears
- Eat, drink, and be merry
- Faith, hope, and charity
- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- Hook, line, and sinker
- Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
- Live, laugh, love
- Lock, stock, and barrel
- Mind, body, and spirit
- Morning, noon, and night
- Past, present, and future
- Ready, set, go
- Ready, willing, and able
- Red, white, and blue
- Rinse, lather, repeat
- See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
- Tall, dark, and handsome
- The good, the bad, and the ugly
- Up, up, and away (maybe this one’s a stretch, but hey, it’s three terms)
- Wash, rinse, and repeat
- Win, lose, or draw
- Work, rest, and play
Two Things That Go Together: Share Your Favorite Quote!
There are two things which are incomplete without each other: Sharing this post, and you!
So before you go, pin, send, share, or post your favorite quote image below. Be sure to tag your other half!

Did we miss your favorite “we go together like” simile? Comment below!!