You’re looking for the best gifts for farmers.
Well, congratulations. You’ve come to the right place!
If you’re only halfheartedly looking around for some gifts, you can always go with that dopey farmer t-shirt that says, “It’s pasture bedtime.”
But if you want the best, most thoughtful, creative, and practical gifts for your favorite farmer—well, we have you covered.
The bottom line is that you care about this farmer.
This is someone whose name you know, whose opinion you care about, and whose joy you wish to spark. This is someone who means something special to you.
So, our list of the 25 best gift ideas for farmers doesn’t aim to give you a list of “stuff.”
Instead, we will help you explore the quintessence of farmer life, and give you one great idea after another for the things they need and would genuinely appreciate.
Farm life is often vastly misunderstood by outsiders, and that’s alright.
Does the watchmaker know how to shoe a horse? Probably not. We each have our unique calling.
But nailing the perfect gift idea involves knowing a bit about whom you’re buying for.
You see, what a person wants is often directly tied to their felt needs. Thus, by examining the gifts that farmers love to receive, we can learn much about their deeper inner workings.
Or maybe we can just try to find some essential tools and useful gifts for farmers.
Back in reality: You’re looking for some gift-giving inspiration, and we’re here to provide it.
But, tongue-in-cheek pretensions aside, we also really do believe that if you care about someone and think deeply about the sorts of gifts they would like to receive, you can come to know them a bit better and deepen your relationship as you seek out, find, and give creative and personal gifts.
25 Gifts for Farmers
The farmers have spoken and we have listened!
Previous gift guides were focused more on “gifty” items, but this list is geared toward making those long hours of toiling out in the elements a bit less toilsome.
The rigors of farm work have nothing on these excellent gift ideas, and daily tasks just got a little more enjoyable.
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1. Durable Work Gloves
These work gloves are just the sort of thing that is essential for farm/ranch life.
Protect their hands from sharp metal, rough ropes, the elements, and more with these leather gloves by Mechanix.
2. Firestarter Lanyard
They’ll wonder how they ever got along without this firestarter lanyard.
Convenient, lasting, and dependable. What more could you ask for in a striker?
They’ll save a lot of time, too, since they won’t be standing around scratching their heads wondering “Now, where did I leave that flint?”
3. Wool Throw Blankets
For just about any purpose you could imagine, these wool blankets are a popular choice.
From nights around the campfire to keeping that new foal warm and cozy in the barn when it’s -15 outside, these military-grade throws are washable, durable, and boy-oh-boy are they toasty.
We’re sure the farm dogs and barn kittens will appreciate them, too.
4. DeWalt Jobsite Speakers/Radio
These durable and portable speakers can hook up to any phone, play the radio, and travel along with the farmer in your life wherever they may be.
Plug in to a traditional outlet or go wireless with standard DeWalt 12v rechargeable battery packs, this is a great gift for any farmer who loves to listen to the radio throughout the day.
5. Knee Pads
All that kneeling in the garden can do a number on your knees, but these knee pads will be an excellent choice for relieving those achy joints.
These will especially come in handy during planting and harvest time!
6. Heavy-Duty Maglite
Everyone who has lived in the country, on a farm, or on a ranch knows…you HAVE to have a good flashlight.
Maglite is and has been a trusted brand for decades and good reason.
I grew up in the country, and my dad swore by his Maglites. He had one in each truck, one in the mudroom, and another in the shop.
The brand, trusted by police officers and firefighters, is also a fan favorite on the farm.
7. Leather Work Apron
Welding, butchering, shoeing horses—you name the task, and a heavy-duty leather work apron is there for the action.
With its high quality, durable leather and tons of pockets to keep essential tools in, this apron is the perfect choice.
8. Hurricane Oil Lamp
Power outages are just going to happen.
Winter storms and other natural disasters love nothing more than depriving us of our precious power. When darkness falls, having an emergency oil lantern (or four or five) is essential.
With 70 years of experience providing quality camping and outdoor gear, you know Stansport is a brand you can trust.
9. Decent Thermal Layers for Winter
You ever been out to the barn to milk Bessie at 4 am in the middle of January? No? Well I have, and I am here to tell you that it is one. cold. affair.
Doing any farm chores during the winter months is enough to put goosebumps on even the most hotblooded of people.
Help them fight off that chill with these great, merino wool undershirts. Perfect for layering under their favorite flannels and fleeces, they’re soft, moisture-wicking, and most importantly—comfortable.
No itch here. They’ll be super grateful to have a couple of these in their drawer.
10. Solar Powered Phone Charger
Any farmer who spends all day out in the fields, barn, workshop, or tractor will appreciate a thoughtful gift like this portable solar powered phone charger.
With a durable design that is shockproof, waterproof, and dustproof, this charger gets recharged whenever the sun is out and can charge your top-of-the-line smartphone 3-5 times (depending on the model) on a single charge.
A truly useful gift idea for the busy life of the contemporary farmer!
11. Heavy-Duty Poly Tarps
Heavy-duty Tarps are a must.
From covering feed and hay to keep them dry, to protecting machinery and equipment, a tarp is a versatile tool that will be used more than you can shake a stick at.
These tarps, made by GUARD SHEILD, are made with woven and coated polyethylene with heat-sealed seams and rope in the hem and have rustproof aluminum grommets every 18 inches.
12. Handcrafted Felling Axe
Few things are more useful around the farm than a quality axe.
This medium-sized felling axe would make even the fanciest power tools blush with its outstanding quality and durability.
Too many great qualities to list all of them, but a few of note would be:
- Hand-forged of Swedish steel
- Comes with a protective leather sheath
- Single-bit head 2 lb
- American hickory handle 26″L
- Total weight about 3 lbs
- Handcrafted in Sweden since 1697!
13. Natural Sharpening Stone
Sharpening stones are a must and a great option for the busy farmer who can’t spare valuable time to send off his/her tools for sharpening.
This excellent whetstone will keep all of their knives, axes, nippers, and more at their sharpest and most useful.
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14. Metal Bucket Opener/Hammer
This is one useful gadget you may have never seen before!
This bucket opener will come in handy when they have dozens of feed containers and storage buckets to pry open. In essence, it’s a giant metal bottle opener, but for buckets.
Now that’s going to save some time.
15. Goodies for the Good Boys
Some people say that ranch hounds are actually the heart of the farm, and I am inclined to agree.
I’ve never met a farm dog that wasn’t just the goodest boy or girl. Not to mention, have you ever seen a cattle dog at work? Now that’s inspirational.
Spoil their helpful, hardworking pooches with these natural dog treats.
16. Tractor Fire Extinguisher Mounting Bracket
They say, “Better to have and not need than need and not have.”
This tractor mounting bracket will keep their fire extinguisher within easy reach for any emergencies that might arise.
17. Heated Seat Cushion
The perfect gift for a farmer who is out early on the tractor, braving the cold, pre-dawn weather. This heated seat cover works for the truck, tractor, or any other farm equipment.
Plugs into any 12v/24v outlet (think cigarette lighter outlet). While a heated seat cushion may not exactly be a heartwarming gift idea, it will certainly warm other regions!
18. 4-Gallon Lidded Buckets
My uncle used to say that there was no such thing as too many buckets.
And he had a LOT of buckets in his barn. Of all sorts and sizes.
These great buckets have a 4-gallon capacity and snap-tight lids to keep their goods and grains safe and moisture-free.
19. Calf Bottle Holders
These Little Giant bottle holders are a Godsend for the busy farmer.
Have you ever held a bottle while a hungry calf was nursing on it? No? Well, it’s really hard sometimes. Especially if your bottle doesn’t have a handle.
These wire mountings easily hook onto a railing or fence for a hands-free feeding time.
20. Heritage Breeding Handbook
If your favorite homesteader loves to study the history and heritage of livestock, then they need this breeding handbook!
Hobby farmers and seasoned ranchers alike will find the resources and information in this book helpful and insightful.
21. The Original Bag Balm
Long days of working with your hands equals rough, dry, cracked, and often painful skin.
And that’s why there’s Bag Balm.
Soothing skin since 1899, this stuff works wonders. We always kept a tin of it on hand and it was especially helpful during the winter months.
Bonus points, it also works equally as well as a lip balm! Perfect for a stocking stuffer, too.
22. Wool Socks
Farm to Feet wool socks are the best thing for keeping their tootsies nice ‘n’ toasty inside their boots.
These super warm socks are made from 100% USA-grown wool and will be much appreciated come winter.
23. PB B’laster
Have you ever heard the phrase, “If it moves and it shouldn’t, Duck Tape it. If it doesn’t move and it should, B’last it.”?
Well, this is what they meant by “B’last it.”
PB B’laster can lubricate even the rustiest, seemingly immovable hinges, bolts, joists, and more.
24. Precision Garden Seeder
This precision garden seeder will save them so much time and effort each planting season.
Available in several different models depending on their needs, they will soon wonder how they got along without it.
25. Personalized Pocket Knife

Our rosewood handle pocket knife features a custom engraved wooden handle and 3″ stainless steel blade.
While the farmer in your life most likely has some sort of knife, they may not have a personalized heirloom gift of such fine quality. A thoughtful and useful gift for a farmer.
So many great and unique gifts! There are a lot of awesome ideas in this post, so be sure to bookmark or Pin it to your Pinterest boards to save for later. If you need further farmer gift ideas, check out Northwest Gifts, where you’ll find our Farmer Gift Guide plus plenty of unique and creative personalized gifts for all comers.

Ok Farmers do would like the radio, knife, and portable charger but the other stuff to a real farmer would more than likely just be useless junk. My opinion stick to the good stuff. Farmers like a new flashlight, gloves, 5 gallon buckets, and bottles for feeding their calves. Don’t waste your money buying a box that they probably won’t look at twice.
Well said mate, I’m a farmer myself and lights and buckets are essential, and I wish I had a portable charger.
To add to this comment. As a farmer these are things I use all year long and would love to have more at any time.
Sharpening stones, leather, leather cord and leather tools, raw materials like wood, fabric, wool.. tarps, herbal teas, books (farmer’s almanac, butchering, cheesemaking, animal breed heritage, history…), a good leather or canvas apron and knee pads, oil lanterns and candles, flowers and plants, treats for the farm dogs, ready made kits like fire starters with kindling and small sticks, a stay-put kit with tape/glue/zip ties/silicone, replacement screw bits and drill bits, dry skin salve, heavy weight throw blankets because the dogs wore out last year’s.