Chronic Illness Memes for Those Fighting a Chronic Condition


Chronic illness is a serious thing, but sometimes all you can do is give up and have a good laugh about it. Here are some chronic illness memes that pay homage to the experience of someone with an autoimmune disorder or other chronic condition.

Inspired by our own experience plus the research we put into our previous article, Gift Ideas for People with Chronic Illness.

Things people with chronic illness think about…

Do you want the long story, or the short version?

There’s the long story, and the false story. Pick one.

chronic illness meme about medication side effects

I’ll take this pain over that pain.

Being honest about symptoms is not negativity

It’s weird how people think that by simply talking about what’s going on in your life you’re being negative. It’s like you should just not have those symptoms, and not spend your time trying to get better, just magically be better. Yay. It’s especially hard to not think about this stuff all the time when this is a regular occurrence.

sleep and chronic illness

It hits different.

Chonic Illness Memes

This happens once or twice a day. Or three times. Or four.

Chronic condition memes

Somehow, attempts to do something always seem to turn in to a nap.

Things people say…

Chronic illness humor

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

bernie sanders chronic illness & essential oils meme

Please stop… just stop.

Have you tried essential oils?

“Have you tried essential oils?” lol

The things people say when you have a chronic condition

Yeah, I’ll get right on that. Unless the essential oils and St. John’s wort work first.

But you don't look that sick!

*Drops mic

Tried everything - chronic illness meme

Just trust me, will you? I promise I have tried it.

Memes for people with chronic conditions

This is such a common comment. “Uh, so where did you say you got your medical degree?”

You're too young for that!!

“Oh, you’re only 24? Sorry, I’ll keep looking for someone in their 70s.” – No chronic condition ever.

Chronic illness impacts every part of your life, every day.

Wait, wut? Your condition is actually serious? I thought you were just being dramatic… that’s why I keep asking:

When are you going to get better?

What don’t you understand about the word “chronic”?

Chronic Illness Humor

Every now and then you can talk to someone and watch the light bulb go on in their brain: “If your pain level is an 8/10 every day, that means on a bad day….”

Walking up the stairs with chronic pain meme

People really actually say stuff like this. “But I have chronic pain and I have plenty of energy because I take this supplement, you should totally try it!” Shut. Up.

Chronic illness humor

They say, “always trust your gut.” But have you met my gut? You don’t want to trust that bastard, I’m telling ya.

Living the life…

Living with chronic illness like dat

I try to tell myself not to mess with me, but I don’t listen.

More medications than grandma!

What’s that, grandma? You take 12 different medications every day? Psh, rookie.

Memes for people with autoimmune conditions


chronic illness jokes

How dare it!

Chronic Illness Memes - Pain?

Having a conversation with an uninitiated doctor or nurse can be a little confusing.

Autoimmune disease memes

This is literally what happens inside our bodies. Actually this isn’t very funny.

chronic illness internet jokes

It’s like my chronic illness thinks this is funny.

chronic illness band-aid meme

*Cries in invisible pain*

Memes for people with chronic illness

Oh, the side effects!

bernie sanders chronic illness meme

They never truly believe us, do they?

Feeling pretty good right now!

Feeling pretty good lasts about as long as an avocado stays ripe.

funny jokes about chronic illness and friends

Will it ever let me live??

The Chronic Illness Meme To Sum It All Up:

Memes for people with chronic conditions

Read Next: Thoughtful Get Well Soon Gifts

Chronic Illness Memes
Photo of author

Daniel Szczesniak

Daniel launched All Gifts Considered in 2013 to help people find the best gift ideas for anyone and any occasion. He has worked for Northwest Gifts, an online gift shop based in Oregon specializing in American-made and personalized gifts, for...

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